Synergistic Effects of Y90 and Immunotherapy in Tumor Microenvironment

SIO is proud to present this webinar discussion on the interventional oncology and medical oncology perspectives, as well as the synergies of Y90+ Immunotherapy the tumor microenvironment, and sponsored webinar by AstraZeneca and Boston Scientific.

Co-Moderator: Zach Berman, MD- University of California San Diego/ SIO Chair Education Hepatobiliary Sub-Comittee
Co Moderator: Vladimir Sheynzon, MD- Columbia University/ SIO Chair Education Emerging Trends Sub-Committee

Beau Toskich, MD- Beau Bosko Toskich, MD
Director of Interventional Oncology
Mayo Clinic Florida
Mayo Clinic Florida State University College of Medicine
Ryan Moy, Md, PhD- Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Hematology/Oncology
Columbia University Medical Center
Valerie Chew, PhD- Translational Immunology Institute, Duke-National University of Singapore


Synergistic Effects of Y90 and Immunotherapy in Tumor Microenvironment
Recorded 10/18/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 10/18/2024  |  60 minutes